Last Updated on Monday, 21 November 2016 13:01

The Working Groups(WGs) ensured the implementation of the four Tasks in the Scientific Programme. There were four WGs, each coordinated by a WG Leader and Co-leaders, who ensured the scientific organization and implementation of the activities. The first three WGs were sequential:

The scientific management of the WGs was delegated to the WG Steering Committee (WGSC), composed of Chair, Vice-chair, Leaders and Co-leaders of the WGs. In the first year only the WG1 Leader and Co-leaders, as well as the WG4 Leader, were included; with the advancement of the Action, Leaders and Co-Leaders of the subsequent WGs were added to the Steering Committee. 


Task 1/WG1 - Comparison of regulatory frameworks and organisational trajectories in social services

Aims.The aim of this task was to assemble the state of the art and compare the regulatory frameworks, institutional geometries and organisational configurations in the funding, planning, production and delivery of social services, as they had resulted from the restructuring of welfare systems in different nations/regions across the 5 ‘Welfare traditions’ over the last twenty years.

WG1 Leader

WG1 Co-Leader


Task 2/WG2 - Analysis of the effects of changes in care services

AimsThis was the central Task of the Action. Its aim was to identify, evaluate and compare current experiences and practices – i.e. concrete case studies – in the area of care services, in order to assess the effects of the restructuring of social services, from 5 perspectives: a) cost efficiency in relation to quality, choice, and satisfaction; b) democratic governance; c) social and territorial cohesion; d) labour market; e) gender.

WG2 Leader

WG2 Co-Leaders


Task 3/WG3 - Comparative assessment of good practices, to provide policy inputs

AimsThe aim of this task was to sort out from the evidence gathered and compared in the previous task, both good and poor practices, in order to identify the most enabling institutional frameworks and production arrangements and their potential for transferability. In particular, the practices enhancing efficiency, quality and user satisfaction, democratic participation, social and territorial cohesion, good working conditions, and equal opportunities were singled out. Contextually, the hypothesis that multi-scalar and multi-actor governance in social services works best in contexts with robust regulatory frameworks that ensure universal access, ‘minimum welfare standards’ for all, and basic labour protection was tested.

WG3 Leader

WG3 Co-Leaders


Task 4/WG4 - Dissemination and capacity building

AimsThis was a transversal task. Its aim was the dissemination – socialisation – of knowledge, with other researchers, policy makers, service providers and service users, at the local, national and international levels (see section H for further details), as well as the construction of awareness and proactive attitudes in policy and practice arenas, throughout the Action. 

WG4 Leader

WG4 Co-Leaders


Engagement of Parties in the WGs

The participant institutions have expressed different degrees of interest and involvement in each of the WGs, as well as their privileged social services and perspectives among those indicated in the MoU.

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